Saturday, July 28, 2018


Whatsapp will automatically respond to the message, these apps will help

This way, a wattap can be set to an automated answer answer

With the advent of mobile phones in New Delhi, human communications took a new route and became an important way of sending SMS messages, but with the arrival of Whatsapp, the world of communication has changed greatly. Now from Love to Office, Whatsapp has become the favorite message of the message. Now Whatsapp will reply to the message you received.

How To Download Whatsapp Mode
You auto-swap for Whatsapp using optical options options, such as Apps and auto-answer for Whatsapp. We will tell you how to use the autoresponder for the Whatsapp application.

Visit Google Play Store
- Type Auto Answer for Whatsapp in the Search Bar

- After installing the application, go to the home page. Here you will see the option of all the answers for the auto-reply, after activating it, your wallet will start answering each user's message.

How To Download Whatsapp Mode
- If you do not want an auto-answer option for some people, tap Exclus Groups or Contacts option. Here you can enter groups and user names that you do not want to send autocomplete.

There will be an option to write text on the home page. In this text box, type the message that you want to send to other users.

- You will see the option to enter keywords only on the homepage. You can write keywords and answer them.

- After this process, your Watts will be automatically started to automatically respond automatically.
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