Thursday, July 5, 2018


Rs. 120000 / - for the new accommodation in the plain area.
Rs.130000 / - for the new accommodation in the mountainous area.
Loans are available to the beneficiaries under the scheme upto Rs.70000 / -
Under the Clean India Mission (Rural), convergence for toilet construction amount is Rs. 12000 / -

For the construction of housing under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA scheme, the amount received for the 90 days of labor will be Rs. 7280 / -.
Total benefit to the beneficiary is 149280 / -
Financial allocation
According to the 60:40 ratio between fund allocation center and state government
Allocation of 4% administrative expenditure against the allocated funds to districts (3.5% for district and 0.5% for the state)
Features of the scheme
Accommodation size - 25 sq.m
Housing assistance amount 120000 / -
Use of SECC-2011 data for beneficiary selection
Clean India Mission (Rural)
Mahatma Gandhi NREGA (for labor)
Other Schemes (Rajiv Gandhi Vidyutrikaran Yojana, Aadmi Bima Yojna, National Health Insurance Scheme)

We are trying hard to make poor and disadvantaged women of the society and the people of the weaker and disadvantaged sections / communities, making them self-sufficient. It is our decision to complete the objective of the inclusion of people of this group by teaming up with the current development programs and schemes of the government and partnering with other non-governmental organizations and industrial houses. We are trying our best to provide quality services to the members of the group, economically and securely. Our mission is to make our identity as a mission dedicated to human values.
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