Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Prime Minister Narendra Modi has announced from Lala Fort that Ayyamastram Bharat Scheme will be implemented from September 25 in whole country. Pandit is the birthday of Dindayal Upadhyay on September 25. On this day, the Prime Minister Jan Swasthya Yojana, also called Modi Care, will be applicable. Under this scheme, 10 crore families of the country will get health insurance of Rs. 5 lakhs. This will be cashless facility.

In Ayushmann Bharat Scheme, one disease has been fixed for every disease. The rates will be paid in hospital. Prime Minister Modi said that technology will be tested for 6 to 7 weeks from August 15. Ayushmann Bharat Scheme will be implemented only after this test.

According to PM Modi, there will be many opportunities in employment. Cities will become hospitals and medical staff will get employment. According to Modi, Ayyubhma Bharat scheme will be exactly as beneficiary of the population of the country. Facilitate treatment in government and selected private hospitals Each member of the family will be benefited under the National Health Protection Scheme.

Every woman, children and elderly can be the beneficiaries of this scheme. Ayushmann Bharat Scheme has no age limit. Its premium payment center and the state government will do it. The center and state will implement this plan together. This scheme will benefit the poor who can not afford the cost of their treatment. The state will have full responsibility to implement this scheme.
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